Select a Model

CAT. # Model No. Description Weight
lb. kg
42505 46  46 23" - 33" Adjustable Pipe Support  23  10.4 
61122 840A  840A Universal Drive Shaft  31  14.1 
19366 758  758 Loop  1 1/4  0.6 
40005 346  346 Support Arms  10 1/2  4.8 
42405 844  Drive Bar for Geared Threaders  5 3/4  2.6 
42415 768  141 Drive Link Assembly  2 1/2  1.1 
97882 535A  Kit 141 on 535 Auto Chuck with High-Clearance Carriage  * 12  5.5 
16723   Drive Link Assembly for High Clearance Carriage  ** 12  5.5 
Kits include all accessories necessary for threading with a 141 mounted on a 535 with a high-clearance carriage
Drive bar for 16723 not included